Male Waxing Facts

Is waxing suitable for everyone?

Waxing is a very safe treatment however it cannot be done where there are varicose veins, skin diseases, cuts and abrasions, warts or hairy moles If you suffer from over sensitive skin, peripheral artery disease, peripheral neuropathy or diabetes you should consult your G.P or a health professional before being waxed.

What’s involved?

The area being waxed is cleansed with pre wax lotion and then warm wax is applied to a small area using a spatula. A paper strip is pressed down on the wax and drawn quickly away removing the wax and the hairs that are attached. After the treatment a soothing tea tree lotion is applied to calm the skin.

How should I prepare for my treatment?

The optimum hair length for waxing is 1/4 inch (6mm). If the hair is longer it should be trimmed down. The skin should be clean and a loose cotton t-shirt worn to avoid any aggravation after your treatment.

What about aftercare?

Following treatment, the skin may be more sensitive than usual.
Sweating or rubbing the skin after hair removal may cause a rash or folliculitis, an infection of the hair follicle.
To reduce this risk, please avoid the following for 48 hours:

* Using deodorant
* Wearing tight clothing
* Applying fake tan
* Any massage, heat or friction to the waxed area
* Swimming in chlorinated water
* Using steam rooms, saunas or hot baths/showers
* Sunbeds or sunbathing
* Participating in sports or any activity that causes you to sweat or rub the skin.

After a few days (longer if the skin is still red, bumpy or inflamed), very gentle exfoliation combined with moisturising the skin with an antibacterial moisturiser should help prevent ingrowing hairs and infection. You can do this weekly or twice weekly for problem skin.

Take a look at our waxing prices and treatments here