Lomi Lomi Massage – ‘A gift of Love’

“What makes Lomi Lomi different to other types of massage?” My client asked me as she arrived for her first treatment.

It’s a good question and one I’m often asked. So let’s start with a basic introduction to this unique and memorable style of massage, which originates from the indigenous people of Hawaii and Polynesia. Lomi Lomi is often given different translations in the English language including ‘to shift, rub, or soothe’. It is also suggested that it means movement, similar to the kneeling paws of a contented cat.

As a human owned by his cat, I love to imagine giving a Lomi Lomi massage with the same level of pleasure my cat has when he’s keeping me awake and kneading my belly at 5 am, much to his amusement!

Historically, Lomi Lomi is part of a more significant spiritual practice performed by Kahunas, which we might think of as spiritual leaders or shamans, and their apprentices. Knowing this, helps us to understand the deep spiritual practice of Lomi Lomi, as it goes beyond simply ‘rubbing’ the body. When one works with an experienced Lomi Lomi therapist, they are receiving a treatment from someone who is actively working in spiritual connection with their ancestors and the body.

During a massage, which is more like a rhythmical dance, prayers or mantras, are often chanted inwardly, breath, and movement become an essential part of the work as the practitioner connects to and with their client in performing sacred and powerful work.

Classically, Lomi Lomi is received as a full body massage involving long, flowing, uninterrupted movements along the entire body length from head to foot. Therefore, the recipient is nude with a sarong or towel folded carefully and minimally to protect their modestly. The room is heated to a minimum of 26 degrees. The treatment is best performed over 90-minutes or more, though an hour can give a good introduction.

The massage begins on the back of the body, working rhythmically like the ebb and flow of the tide, up down and over the entire body. It is usual for the arms and legs to be moved, and the therapist may work under the body, including the abdomen, sliding their arms in the space between the ribs and the hips in a rocking motion.

Upon turning to the front, it is classic to uncover the entire body, excluding the genitals, which remain covered. The therapist then works similarly to the back, bringing their arms up, over, around, and under the body, often lifting the torso, rocking, and hugging, however, this may vary from person to person. The treatment ends with a head and face massage, and the body is covered with a warm towel to allow the massage oil to soak in thoroughly.

Lomi Lomi massage traditionally includes substantial work on the chest and sternum; I do not work on women’s chest areas for modesty reasons. Therefore, I recommend they consider seeing a female colleague instead to experience the full treatment topless, as I keep the chest and stomach area covered when I treat women.

To experience Lomi Lomi is to give yourself the gift of surrendering to a blissful spiritual experience of deep connection, bodywork, and breath. It is more than a massage; it is a gift of love.